How to Love Your Furbaby: Let Us Count the Ways.
It’s okay to be ‘extra’ when it comes to your furbaby. We get it – we are in the business of showing love in the most fun ways possible. National Love Your Pet Day is February 20th this year – but why only celebrate for a single day? That’s not good enough! Let’s celebrate all February long.
You know your furbaby already loves you. Even on your worst days, he’s there for a belly rub and a forgiving snuggle. You provide food, shelter, and a friendship that impacts you both, but could you possibly step up your game a bit? Spend some time this month reflecting on your relationship with your furbaby and consider showing your love in a few ‘extra’ ways.
How to Love Your Furbaby: Let Us Count the Ways.
#1 Dress them up and take cheesy pictures to share with all of your friends.
Cheesy? Absolutely. Will your pet love it? Maybe not at first, but the attention you are giving to him and the belly laughs you will experience will have him rolling around and howling right along with you. Bonus: You’ll have amazing keepsakes to frame or share on social media.
#2 Spoil them with a new toy and treat.
This one seems obvious, but this time, bring your furbaby with you to the pet store and let him pick out exactly what he wants. Make sure to let him sample a few of the goodies before heading home.
#3 Upgrade their bed.
When was the last time you washed his bed? When was the last time you laid on it? How does it smell? How does it feel? We are willing to bet he needs an upgrade. Splurge on something you can actually wash the outer layer of, and make sure it’s made to support your furbaby’s needs.
#4 Frame more than just their picture.
Most families only include a picture of their pet if he happens to be in a good shot with the kids or with everyone. Order our recording picture frame and capture a moment you’ll want to hear over and over, even after your pet crosses the rainbow bridge. Everyone who visits will love the idea of an interactive keepsake!
#5 Add in some snuggle time.
Consciously sit down and give your pet some extra attention. Play fetch, go for a longer walk, let him share the couch for a movie, and make sure you let him choose the show.
The truth is that there are a million little ways to enjoy your days with your furbaby. We want you to step back and realize how lucky you are to be loved unconditionally. Learn from your pet, and give him back all that he deserves.