Bath time can be a last minute and crazy event when it comes to your dog. Half the time, it is an unscheduled event that throws your day for a loop because your furbaby decided to roll in something rather...
The days are long, but the years are short. Before you know it, your furbaby reaches the end of his days. As heartbreaking as it is, the Rainbow Bridge can be a beautiful experience. Your sadness is to be expected, but don’t let it consume your last days together. Instead, focus on preserving your moments and treasuring every last day.
Before you uproot your day-to-day for a puppy make sure that you know what all comes with adding four more feet to your family! When we decided to add a furbaby to are already human-family of seven, everyone thought we...
Arthritic joint pain effects 80% of dogs over the age of 8 years old. This means that more than three quarters of all dogs (with larger breeds experiencing the earliest onset) are living the last several years of their lives in pain.