Why A Man Needs a Dog
It’s not a secret that (most) men lack emotional awareness in comparison to (most) women. Generally speaking, they also can get stuck in a mentality that centers around themselves. That’s ok, there’s evidence out there that these male qualities are a part of their DNA and are needed. While most women may want to change these aspects of the male gender, it’s not going to happen any time soon.
However, there are certain things that can awaken a softer, gentler, more responsible and considerate side of a man. One of which is having a child and becoming a dad, but another is to own a dog. Something happens to a man when he realizes that a dog has emotions and needs, and that it is up to him to meet them.
What a Dog Does to a Man
A dog can be responsible for and teaching a man the following:
Patience and Selflessness
When a man brings a dog home, he quickly learns that life adjustments need to be made. There will be accidents, stolen food, and sleepless nights. There will be hours of training, too. But, these moments lead to life lessons in patience and selflessness. It takes time, effort, and commitment; it takes putting the dog first and setting other things aside. All of this has a way of subtly opening a man’s eyes to seeing the needs of others.
Emotional Support
A survey revealed at 42% of men were more likely to share their emotions with their dog over a friend. Maybe it’s knowing that a dog can’t talk back, or that a dog will still be loyal and loving no matter how many tears are shed, but the numbers don’t lie. Everyone needs someone to confide in and share with, including men.
The connection between a man and his dog can be compared to none other. As he looks into his dog’s eyes, he can understand if his dog is happy, sad, scared, or anxious, but even more so, he takes on the emotions himself. He relates and shares the moments and strives to help his best friend. Again, this leads to a maturity and life quality that so many men lack.
Structure and Routine
Having a dog keeps a man faithful to a routine. It ensures exercise will be had, and a daily schedule is maintained. A dog can bring happiness by relieving boredom and keeping a man grounded. The day to day lifestyle of a dog owner is one in which the dog relies on and waits patiently for.
Giving a man responsibility that he willing takes on can improve his life and make him a better person. Owning a dog is more than keeping a living thing alive, it is promising to take care of it and walk life’s journey together.
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