Kid-Friendly Cat Breeds
While the iconic family portrait generally contains a family dog, there are many reasons families choose to love a cat instead.
Cats are independent and pretty simple to take care of. They can be loved on or left alone. Cats, in general, are far easier to handle than dogs. But they are not perfect. Deciding to bring a kitten or cat home to join the family should be a researched and thought out decision. Too many families assume a cute kitten is just what they want, but end up pushing it out the door and creating another outdoor cat that is a nuisance and danger to the neighborhood. Avoid this situation by learning about the cat breed you are interested in, and prepare your home and family for the new arrival.
Kid-Friendly Cat Breeds
Abyssinian Cats
These popular cats are known as Abys, and are affectionate and loyal. They tend to fit in well with a family lifestyle. Abys are playful and enjoy being loved on.
Bengal Cats
Bengal cats are playful and mix well with cat-loving dogs! They are quite social, too.
Birman Cats
Birmans love attention, but also need to be treated kindly and with respect. They are great for tea parties and stroller rides, too.
Cornish Rex Cats
These cats love the company of other pets. It’s high energy will have your kids tossing balls and cheering as it runs through the house. The Cornish Rex loves adventure - so keep an eye out for sneaky hiding places.
Exotic Shorthair Cats
The affectionate Exotic cats are great additions to the family. They are playful and loving - and seldom make a sound. Similar to a velcro dog, these cats will often be found close to your side.
Himalayan Cats
Himalayan cats are known for their sweet temperament. They are also quite smart. They’ll fetch a toy and play solo for hours if needed.
Maine Coon Cats
These cats are known for their large size and intelligence. They are great at playing with kids and are quite gentle. They can be trained quickly and enjoy being around people.
Manx Cats
The dog of the cat world, Manx cats are loyal and as playful as a puppy. They are laid-back, but they enjoy attention. Take note, though, these pets have been known to guard their humans by growling or attacking if needed. (Just as a dog would do.)
Devon Rex Cats
This active and energetic cat makes a great family pet.
Japanese Bobtail Cats
These always rank high on the family-friendly cat list.
Scottish Fold Cats
Sweet and easy-going, Scottish Fold cats are loving and friendly. They tend to become attached to one family member.
Siamese Cats
These cats are shorthaired and blue-eyed. They are intelligent and social, mixing well with kids and dogs. They love to curl up on your lap, too.
Ragdoll Cats
Much like ragdolls, this cat breed is quite floppy and laidback. They are easy to carry and children love them.
These beautiful cats love people. They are quite calm but still playful. Families love them because they tolerate children well.
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