How to Heal Your Dog’s Dry and Cracked Winter Paws
It was a slow start to winter this year, but the cold is now here. Whether you have snow, ice, freezing rain, or bone-chilling wind outside, taking care to stay warm has climbed on your priority list. While you can slather yourself in body butter and layer up before facing the dropping temps, your dog is at the mercy of what you provide for him.
Even with a winter coat, your dog may not be safe outside for longer than a quick walk. Some dog owners choose to use dog booties to protect the paws, but many do not. If you do utilize these dog shoes, you are one step ahead of other dog parents; however, these booties don’t always prevent paws from becoming so dry that they crack. Sometimes it is just the air. (Other times, it is the ice, snow, pollution from car oils and liquids, etc.)
Just as cracked skin is painful for you, it is for your dog as well. You may even say it is worse for him because he can’t avoid walking, which can intensive and reopen cracks. All the dog treats in the world won’t help - so what will?
Homemade Healing Salves and Waxes
An important reason you want to know exactly what ingredients go into this healing salve is because your dog will potentially ingest it. You aren’t going to prevent your pup from licking his paws, no matter how hard you try. Ensure that he is safe by making your own ointment. The following are three wonderful recipes for you to try.
The Homestead Survival Blog shared a great recipe:
What You Need:
- Wide mouth mason jars (one quart and couple of pint ones)
- Small pot
- 2 tablespoons of Shea Butter
- 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil
- 3 tablespoons of Coconut Oil
- 1/2 teaspoon of Vitamin E Oil
- 2 tablespoons of Beeswax
Place all of the ingredients into the quart glass mason jar and place in mason jar into a saucepan. Add 4 inches of water into saucepan. Slowly melt on low heat until everything is melted.
Slowly pour melted ingredients into smaller clean and sterilized wide mouth pint mason jar. Allow to cool before screwing lid on.
The Kurious Kitty has an overnight balm you can try:
What you need:
- 6 - 1 oz tins
- double boiler (or a large pot with a metal or glass bowl)
- 2 oz (approx. 2 tbsp) sweet almond oil
- 2 oz (approx 2 tbsp) coconut oil
- 1 oz (approx 1 tbsp) shea butter
- 4 tsp. beeswax
Melt the oils, shea butter and beeswax in a double boiler Stir continuously until all is melted and blended together.
Pour the mixture evenly into the tins (careful the tins can become hot with the hot liquid). Allow the tins to cool on the counter until the liquid has hardened. Cap and label each tin.
Planet Paws has a detailed video showing you how to put these ingredients together.
What you need:
- 3 oz beeswax
- 3 Tbsp coconut oil
- 3 Tbsp calendula oil
- 3 Tbsp avocado oil
In a sauce pan, combine ingredients on low until melted. Pour the wax into the lid to a plastic food jar (such as a coconut oil jar). You can add shaved calendula for added healing powers. Let it solidify. Rub your pup’s paws down before heading outside.
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