Dog Gifts and Stocking Stuffers
The clock is ticking and the Holly Jolly Man is coming, soon! Last-minute gifts can still be ordered, but you may be cutting that delivery time close. With only a single weekend left until Christmas, it’s time to shop for stocking stuffers. Scratch-off tickets, gift cards, socks, and card games are always easy go-to’s for the humans in your life, but what about for your furbaby? You can’t forget to fill up his stocking!
Christmas morning can get a bit hectic and loud, and your dog may be tempted to get in on the action. That may sound like fun, but in the moment, it may not be a good time. Instead of tempting your pup with wrapping paper and gifts that aren’t his to open, fill up his stocking with great products that will keep his tail wagging all morning long! If you are feeling ‘extra,’ grab a few things to wrap under the tree, too!
Great Stocking Stuffers and Gifts for Your Dog
Balls: Tennis balls, chewy balls, NERF balls, any balls will do!
A New Collar: The clasps or velcro used on collars can wear thin or break over time. To prevent this, replace your dog’s collar as soon as you notice any wear and tear. You can have his name monogrammed onto a new collar with your phone number etched right onto the buckle.
An LED Collar Light: The days are getting shorter and shorter, which means that some walks are happening with little to no sunlight. Pick up an LED light that clips onto your dog’s collar.
A New Leash: Maybe you’ve been eyeing a running belt leash? Maybe you’d like something more stylish than your current leash option? This is the perfect time to purchase a new one!
Treats: This is a must on Christmas morning. Splurge on a few different, high-quality treats to add to his stocking.
A Treat Maze: Dogs love to be challenged, and a treat maze will make them work for their goodies.
A Howl-iday Sweater: Dress your dog to the nines this holiday with a new winter sweater. He’ll love it for those cold walks that will be inevitably happening.
A Personalized Ornament: Start a tradition of adding a new furbaby ornament to the tree every year.
Doggie Spritz: Head to a natural dog store and purchase an organic/natural dog ‘perfume.’ You want one without artificial scents or additives. This comes in handy when guests are heading over and there’s no time for a dog bath!
Antler Chew: These are worth the price tag and last longer than any other chew treats out there. It will keep your dog busy (and happy) throughout all of the unwrapping.
Toothpaste: Everyone needs toothpaste in their stockings - even your dog! Remembering to brush his teeth regularly will help him lead a healthier life.
Paw Balm: The winter is harsh on dog paws. They can crack, bleed, and cause pain. An organic paw balm can prevent this from happening or soothe any soreness your pup may have.
A New Bed: Dog beds need replaced far more frequently than human beds! They lose their form and filling and really start to stink. A new one will be a welcomed gift.
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