Benefits of Walking Your Dog Through Social Limitations
Many people have hunkered down and locked the doors, but it’s not fair to our dogs. Our country is not on complete lockdown (yet) and our animals still need exercise.
The New York Times reported “On Monday, seven counties around Silicon Valley announced a shelter-at-home order that would take effect on Tuesday. San Francisco’s mayor, London N. Breed, issued an order for city residents to stay at home except for “essential needs,” such as medicine or food, but made an exemption for “engaging in outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking, or running provided that you maintain at least six feet of social distancing.”
This means that even in the most extreme social distancing cases, you can still walk your dog. So grab the leash and head outside. There are ample benefits to be had by doing so!
Benefits of Walking Your Dog Through Social Limitations
Fresh Air
Research shows that breathing indoor air 24 hours a day dos not benefit the immune system, if anything, it is linked to lowering the body’s ability to ward off illnesses - especially respiratory illnesses. Getting outside as much as possible, while keeping a distance from others will help boost your immune system!
Sitting in your house leads to lower motivation towards exercise and increased motivation towards overeating and indulging in sweets and alcohol, especially when working from home. Taking a long walk with your dog 2-3x a day will increase your heart rate and get your blood flowing. It’s a great energy release for your pup, too.
Vitamin D
Everyone knows that Vitamin D is needed to stay healthy and fight viruses. The absolute best source of Vitamin D is from the sun. Lift your face up close your eyes, and soak in the goodness of the sun’s rays.
There is no way that a good walk won’t make you happy. We are living in such chaos right now, it can be hard to find happiness throughout it all - a simple walk is free, energizing, and signals the body to produce the happy hormones that will boost your mood.
Reducing Stress
Everyone needs to take a walk right about now to help lower the nation’s stress level. But in all seriousness, getting outside with your dog will take your mind off of everything else. It forces you away from technology, screens, news broadcasts, and constant updates.
Remember that your dog feels whatever emotions you are throwing out, so finding ways to keep yourself happy will help keep your pup happy, too. Lace up your sneakers and head outside.
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