8 Reasons Your Dog is a Better Valentine Than a Human
Single for Valentine’s Day? Don’t sit around and cry this year; instead, ask your pup to be your Valentine. I promise, he’ll make a much better date than a human.
You can plan a day of fun together at the dog park, taking a hike, shopping for new dog toys, ordering a few dog treats, or getting pampered at the groomer’s. But once the sun starts setting, you’ll want to snuggle up and enjoy the best Valentine’s Date ever!
8 Reasons Your Dog is a Better Valentine Than a Human
You Don’t Have to Share Your Dessert
Chocolate can poison your dog, so it looks like there’s more for you!
No Need To Get Fancy.
Your dog loves you in your 15 year old sweatpants and mismatched socks.
A Simple Treat Makes Them Happy.
There are no awkward back massages that are never long enough and only lead to ‘more.’ There are no weird movie requests or phone distractions. You can hand over a simple treat and your date will be happy - and so will you.
A Cheap Date.
You don’t have to blow through your paycheck this Valentine’s Day. No fancy restaurant or gifts to buy; no new haircut or nail appointment to splurge on. You won’t drop your money on overpriced flowers or over-the-top experiences. You can order takeout and your bank account will love you.
You Don’t Have To See People.
While this sounds awful, it’s only slightly crazy. When you are single, Valentine’s Day is the crappiest day to be around other people. Restaurants, movie theaters, bowling alleys, bars, even grocery stores are all full of ridiculously happy couples holding hands. Give your pup a little ear rub and enjoy your non-human interactions for a night.
Your Dog Truly Loves You.
Unconditional love exists with your pup. He does not care that you are not perfect. He forgives you every time you mess up. He will always wag his tail and give you kisses. He wants nothing more than to just be near you.
The Perfect Playmate.
Your dog will run around the house, chase toys, dance with you, or help you cook (by catching whatever you toss his way). You can literally do whatever your heart desires and he will have fun with you.
You Won’t Be Stood Up.
Humans can be horrible! Who leaves another human sitting, waiting, and alone without any explanation? Imagine this experience on Valentine’s Day! No thank you. Your dog will never leave you hanging.
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